Congressman Anthony Weiner is all over the news with his Twitter postings . Now , it appears he is under investigation for sexting with a 17 year old girl in Delaware . Is sexting with a minor illegal  under Tennessee criminal law ? Are there consequences in Tennessee for an adult to sext with

High School students over 18 or college students can face criminal charges under Tennessee law for alcohol offenses.There are two laws which may be charged with different penalties..

Possession of alcohol or purchasing alcohol by someone under 21 is a Class A misdemeanor . The kicker is pursuant to Tennessee Code Annotated 57-3-412 (C)(i) a

   Rudy Giuliani’s daughter Caroline appeared in a New York courtroom Tuesday.She was charged with shoplifting some cosmetics from a store. Ms Giuliani received a plea under an Adjournment in Contemplation of Dismissal (ACD). Once she performs some public service work likely to be at a sanitation garage ,her criminal case will be dismissed.

In the

Nicole Young and Clay Carey of The Tennessean reported about the use of social media by Detective Dean Haney of the Metro Nashville Police Department to combat crime.The use of social media such as Facebook,Twitter , and My Space is growing at a tremendous rate. I even have a Facebook page.Using Facebook and other social media in criminal and personal injury cases have been used since it’s inception, but now it’s use is exploding.

Detective Haney searches the photos he retrieves from MySpace and Facebook to post on the wall at Nashville’s North Precinct.It amazes me what people post on Facebook.Haney reports that he has seen AK-47 rifles , weapons, and stacks of cash.In under age consumption of alcohol cases , The Franklin Police Department and the Brentwood Police Department routinely search social media sites to corroborate the charges.Police in Chattanooga,Tn discovered an on line forum of people planning illegal drag races.Continue Reading The Use of Facebook to Gather Evidence Takes Off