Effective July 1, 2012 , the legal standard for expunging a criminal conviction changed in Tennessee. Before July 1 , a person could only expunge their record under the following types of dispositions;
- The case was dismissed.
- You were found not guilty.
- The case was retired.
- The case was Nolle prosequi.
- You were granted either pretrial diversion or judicial diversion.
Now , certain low level felonies and certain types of misdemeanors can be expunged. You can click this link to an article that lists the felonies and misdemeanors that may be eligible . Also , the article lists the eligibility requirements.
The new process is complex. So, I am giving a free seminar every Tuesday for the month of July at my office here in Nashville, Tennessee to explain the process . Space is limited. Email info@robmckinneylaw.com to reserve your space.