High School students over 18 or college students can face criminal charges under Tennessee law for alcohol offenses.There are two laws which may be charged with different penalties..

Possession of alcohol or purchasing alcohol by someone under 21 is a Class A misdemeanor . The kicker is pursuant to Tennessee Code Annotated 57-3-412 (C)(i) a

   Rudy Giuliani’s daughter Caroline appeared in a New York courtroom Tuesday.She was charged with shoplifting some cosmetics from a store. Ms Giuliani received a plea under an Adjournment in Contemplation of Dismissal (ACD). Once she performs some public service work likely to be at a sanitation garage ,her criminal case will be dismissed.

In the

Tyler Smith , a star  player on Tennessee’s basketball team, as well as three players were recently arrested for drug and weapons charges in Knoxville.Knoxville Police Department reported  that the four players were arrested after a traffic stop for speeding.According to the police report, officers smelled marijuana coming from the car.A police drug dog indicated the presence of drugs in the car.Police searched the car and found handguns, a bag of marijuana ,and an open container of alcohol.All were charged with possession of firearms and drug possession charges.

What is the legal importance of this case? It illustrates that passengers in a car can be charged with a crime even though they do not actually possess the drugs or weapons. In this case the weapons were found under the seat.The police arrested these players under the theory of constructive possession of drugs and weapons.

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