Last month, I posted an article on "Have you been drinking tonight."The next question that DUI police officers ask is I want you to step outside of the car and do some tests. Should a citizen under suspicion of drinking and driving agree to do the field sobriety tests ? Your answer should be a polite
Field Sobriety Tests
Another Reason Not To Perfrom The Field Sobriety Tests
One of the major DUI investigation tools that police use are the standardized field sobriety tests. Most citizens accused of driving while intoxicated think that if they pass these tests they will not be arrested for DUI. Little do they know they can still be arrested, prosecuted, and face trial even if they pass the…
Will Your Circadian Rhythm Effect Your Field Sobriety Tests ?
Face it most drunk driving arrests (DUI) are made between midnight and 4:00 A.M. Los Angeles DUI lawyer Lawrence Taylor posted about the effects of the your circadian rhythm and the field sobriety tests . Your circadian rhythm is basically your body clock. It stands to reason that if your are doing a…
Why You Sholdn’t Do Field Sobriety Tests ?
In most Tennessee drunk driving cases (DUI) , the police ask you to do some field sobriety tests. Most folks want to cooperate with the police and they try to do them. You just made the wrong decision. There are several reasons why you should not do the field sobriety tests ;
- Under Tennessee law
Tennessee Supreme Court Alert
The Tennessee Supreme Court has grant permission to appeal in two Driving Under the Influence (DUI) cases. The court has granted the appeals to test what are the limits a trial court has to dismiss DUI cases. The two cases to be on the watch for are St. of Tennessee v. Bell and State of…
Tennessee Supreme Court Grants Appeal on Field Sobriety Tests
The Tennessee Supreme Court has decided to hear an appeal in a DUI case. The issue involves the Field Sobriety Tests. David Bell was stopped and he agreed to do some field sobriety tests to see if he was driving under the influence of alcohol. Mr.Bell passed all 6 tests. Police were still not…
The Third Problem With Field Sobriety Tests
Here’s a video , I created some time ago.It illustrates the third problem with field sobriety tests. While your looking at the screen shot of the video , you might be thinking to yourself why is he holding a women’s shoe . Trust me . I am not Coach Ryan with a foot…
The Second Problem with Field Sobriety Tests
I was planning on writing this post yesterday. However, a hearing in Smyrna General Sessions court and Mother Nature with a blast of snow left me on the interstate for hours with most of everybody in Nashville. The second problem with the field sobriety tests is that not everybody is the same age. As discussed in…
The Problem With Field Sobriety Tests
Who made the field sobriety tests the primary means of detecting driver impairment to alcohol in Tennessee DUI cases ? The answer is your government.Beginning in the 1970’s research studies were sponsored by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHSTA). NHSTA contracted with the Southern California Research Institute (SCRI) to determine which roadside field…
Field Sobriety Tests
One of the basic tools in DUI cases in Nashville , Franklin , And Gallatin are the Standardized Field Sobriety Tests. What is the definition ?
Standardized Field Sobriety Tests are a battery of three tests , Horizontal Gaze Nystagmus ,Walk and Turn , and One Leg Stand , administered and evaluated in a standardized…