Tennessee has a uniform driving under the influence (DUI) laws. However , the application varies from jurisdiction to jurisdiction. If you are convicted on DUI in Tennessee , Tennessee Code Annotated 55-10-403(p)(1) provides that a person convicted of a DUI shall report within 30 days to commence the sentence . Generally , you have 30

While I was in General Sessions Court in Cheatham County this week , I learned of the District Attorney’s new procedure on handling the implied consent component of a Tennessee DUI charge. If a citizen exercises their right to refuse to submit to a breath or blood alcohol test after a police officer has reasonable

I got a call today about a DUI case in Maury County Tennessee. I take tough DUI cases in most Tennessee counties.However , the question was did I know everybody like the clerk , the assistant district attorney , or the court personnel.Since  I don’t have cases there on a routine basis , the answer was