I got a call today about a DUI case in Maury County Tennessee. I take tough DUI cases in most Tennessee counties.However , the question was did I know everybody like the clerk , the assistant district attorney , or the court personnel.Since  I don’t have cases there on a routine basis , the answer was no.So , do you need to hire a good ole boy to avoid a DUI conviction ?

DUI defense is getting tougher each year in Tennessee.Just look at the new four laws that will be going into effect in 2011 . The good ole boy defense is my client is a good guy or gal. Never been in trouble and needs a break. Everyone of my clients is a good person , but how does that convince an assistant district attorney to reduce a  DUI charge. It doesn’t. Most jurisdictions in Tennessee are cracking the whip on DUI prosecutions with some having a no reduction policy Like Dickson County and Cheatham county.

You defend the cases by knowing the  search and seizure law , the science of  blood or breath alcohol testing , the workings of field sobriety tests and an aggressive motion practice. if it’s a blood test ask the good ole boy about head space gas chromatography testing.

Gone are the days of ‘My client is a great guy " . That defense was gone when Andy left Mayberry.