The first two Rs’ were relax and rehearse. The third R is the ability to react. I had lunch with a civil lawyer a couple of weeks ago. The conversation turned to civil trials. He commented on there are no surprises in a civil trial .Everyone knows what is going to be said and done.
Supreme Court Hears Arguments in Plea Bargain Cases
The U.S. Supreme Court recently heard oral arguments in Cooper and Frye. The links will take you to a transcript of the oral argument. The pivotal issue is the performance of the lawyers during the plea bargaining process.. In the Frye case , Mr. Frye’s lawyer did not advise him of a plea bargain…
The Consequences of Sexting With Minors In Tennessee
Congressman Anthony Weiner is all over the news with his Twitter postings . Now , it appears he is under investigation for sexting with a 17 year old girl in Delaware . Is sexting with a minor illegal under Tennessee criminal law ? Are there consequences in Tennessee for an adult to sext with…
What Can a Forensic Investigation of a Computer Recover ?
The image represents computer code. Today ‘s post deals with forensic issues in child pornography cases or sexual exploitation of a minor under Tennessee state law. Once law enforcement seizes one’s computer ,the police send it for a forensic review to search it’s memory and files.
What can a forensic computer investigation recover ?
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Consent Searches in Tennessee
Can you consent to a police search of your car or home under Tennessee law.The answer is yes.
Consent is a well recognized exception to the search warrant requirements of both Article I section 7 of the Tennessee Constitution and the Fourth Amendment of the United States Constitution. The key is a valid consent…
Does a Defendant on Trial in a Tennessee Criminal Court Have a Right to Present a Defense ?
I ran across " The Right to Present a Defense" by Mark Mahoney. You can download the article on the link. It’s a great resource for criminal defense lawyers in Tennessee. Thanks to the law criminal defense of for the tip.
I thought the book cover of " To Kill a Mockingbird" was a…