Your charged with a crime like possession of drugs or aggravated assault. You are put on probation and you think your problems are gone. Wrong. A new trend in Tennessee as it relates to probation cases is to include a condition of probation that waives your Fourth Amendment right of an illegal search and seizure. Paragraph
Identification Issues in Criminal Trials
Identifying who committed the crime is one element of proof in most criminal cases. There are several different methods of identification. First , the person knows the accused. Second , the police may use a lineup or show up to identify a defendant, Third , the defendant may be identified in open court by…
Cheating Scandal at the FBI
FBI Director Robert Mueller has disclosed to Congress that FBI Special Agents have been cheating on tests. Agents are required to take a test on how to conduct surveillance and open files and criminal investigations on citizens. The purpose is to make sure the FBI agents know the law to make sure they do their…
Does a Defendant on Trial in a Tennessee Criminal Court Have a Right to Present a Defense ?
I ran across " The Right to Present a Defense" by Mark Mahoney. You can download the article on the link. It’s a great resource for criminal defense lawyers in Tennessee. Thanks to the law criminal defense of for the tip.
I thought the book cover of " To Kill a Mockingbird" was a…
Davidson County Crime Map
Criminal records are public record, and now thanks to the Davidson County Criminal Court Clerk it’s a little easier for residents to check up on their neighbors. Their website features an interactive map providing arrest details for all crimes that have occurred in the last seven days. You can check it out here ;…
The Use of Facebook to Gather Evidence Takes Off
Nicole Young and Clay Carey of The Tennessean reported about the use of social media by Detective Dean Haney of the Metro Nashville Police Department to combat crime.The use of social media such as Facebook,Twitter , and My Space is growing at a tremendous rate. I even have a Facebook page.Using Facebook and other social media in criminal and personal injury cases have been used since it’s inception, but now it’s use is exploding.
Detective Haney searches the photos he retrieves from MySpace and Facebook to post on the wall at Nashville’s North Precinct.It amazes me what people post on Facebook.Haney reports that he has seen AK-47 rifles , weapons, and stacks of cash.In under age consumption of alcohol cases , The Franklin Police Department and the Brentwood Police Department routinely search social media sites to corroborate the charges.Police in Chattanooga,Tn discovered an on line forum of people planning illegal drag races.Continue Reading The Use of Facebook to Gather Evidence Takes Off