I really don’t know what a blog really is supposed to look like. I comment on issues that interest me as well as things that come up in my law practice. Today , I thought I would report on how DUI cases are being handled in Murfreesboro, Tn. In 2012 , the Tennessee Legislature passed a law which enabled some criminal offenses to be expunged from your criminal record.

In 2012 , the Tennessee Legislature passed a law which enabled a person to expunge certain criminal charges from their record. Some of those charges that can be expunged can be found here . The reason this is important is in Murfreesboro , Tn. is certain DUI cases may be reduced to a reckless endangerment charge. Under the expungement law , a reckless endangerment case may be expunged at a later date .

In current plea bargaining agreements , a defendant is required to sign a waiver that a defendant will not seek an expungement of a reduced DUI charge . An execution of a waiver is a new wrinkle in the DUI process in Rutherford County. It appears this new policy is on orders from the District Attorney. What will the end result be with this new policy ? Probably more trials are in the forecast.