For the last three years , I have organized the annual DUI continuing legal education  seminar for the Tennessee Association of Criminal Defense lawyers. It is scheduled for October 21 and 22 2010 in Tunica , Mississippi.Here’s a list of the presenters for day 1 of the  seminar;

  1. Dour Aaron of Manchester , Tennessee will be speaking on ethics.
  2. Judge Steve Dozier ,  Division I Criminal Court Judge in Nashville  covers evidence issues in a DUI case.
  3. Nashville attorney Ed Ryan will be discussing tips for an effective preliminary hearing.
  4. Tony Corrato of Atlanta , Georgia gives his insights on the ins and outs on drug recognition experts.
  5. Judge Mark Fishburn , Judge of Division VI of Nashville’s criminal courts which handles all DUI cases at the circuit court level in Nashville , will be giving a DUI case law update.
  6. Sara Compher-Rice of Knoxville,Tennessee will be presenting on the most recent changes in Tennessee’ s new DUI laws in that go into effect 1-1-2011. 
  7. Eddie Davidson of Nashville has a great presentation on voir dire and the values based trial story.
  8. Glenn Funk of Nashville, Tennessee wraps up day 1 with a conclusion of ethics.

You can get more information and register for the seminar at

I hope to see you there.