Men’s Health Magazine listed America"s drunkest cities in a recent article.How did they determine the list ? The list was based upon death rates from liver disease, alcohol impaired car crashes , the number of DUI arrests , and the severity of the punishment.Two Tennessee cities made it on the top 100 list. Nashville,Tn was number 14.Memphis ,Tn was number 71.
Last week , I had a hearing where the head of Metro Nashville Police Department"s Traffic enforcement unit testified on the statistics on DUI arrests and vehicular homicide cases in Nashville.
Here are the numbers:
1.In 2009, there were 4238 DUI arrests and 24 traffic deaths related to impaired driving.
2.In 2008, 5595 DUI arrests and 24 traffic deaths were related to impaired driving.
There was no report of the number of vehicular homicide convictions in these past two years.