Thanks to our superb receptionist Amber , she gave me the heads up on a news flash in DUI enforcement in Nashville over the Fourth of July holiday. Tennessee has adopted a no refusal holiday in drunk driving cases in several Tennessee counties including Maury and Davidson Counties. The concept of a no refusal weekend is have the police obtain a search warrant in all driving under the influence (DUI) cases. In Tennessee , an accused has a right to refuse a breath or blood alcohol test if suspected or drunk driving.  Once a citizen is arrested for DUI and refuses , the police would get a search warrant to take a blood sample.

Here is the possible scenario. DUI roadblock is set up. A citizen gets stopped at a DUI roadblock and the officers smell alcohol. Field Sobriety Tests are conducted and a DUI arrest is made. A refusal to submit to a breath or blood test is made.It is refused. A judge would be close by or available to review a search warrant and issue the search warrant. The blood is then taken over the accused’s consent.Continue Reading Tennessee Adpots No Refusal Fourth of July