A babysitter in Clarksville , Tn. was arrested on child abuse this week . The allegation is that one of the children she was watching wandered off from her care. . From the news report , it does not appear to be any intentional act of abuse , but merely neglect.  It was reported that the

An increase in child abuse is linked with the recent recession according to new research in the field. Dr. Rachel Berger of Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh said the results of her research confirmed reports from pediatricians who have seen an increase in shaken baby cases and other forms of brain-injuring child abuse .

Combine the

The State Supreme Court of Hawaii ruled that a man convicted of punching his stepson should have been allowed to raise parental discipline as a defense in his trial. The trial court rejected that defense because the boy’s nose was broke by the defendant who wanted him to clean a carpet stain. The case is