In yesterday’s post , I talked about the first R which is to relax. The second R is rehearse . Coach Bosque spoke about thinking about the play before it happened and play in his mind what he was going to do with the baseball if it was hit to him. Preparing for a hearing
Nashville Criminal Trial Lawyer
The Four Rs’
During the break between Christmas and New Year’s , I took my son to a baseball camp in Cleveland , Tn. At the workout there are some college coaches around while they work on some baseball skills. We had a little time before we headed back to Nashville . So , I signed him up …
The Death of the American Trial Lawyer ?
Judge Mark Bennett wrote a recent obituary on the fate of the American trial lawyer. I must agree with Judge Bennett’s comments. The American trial lawyer is now a memory from times long past or in the pages of a legal thriller from John Grisham or Michael Connelly . Why did the trial lawyer get placed…
More on Lawyer Dress Codes
Last week , I posted about Rutherford County Circuit Judge Royce Taylor’s prosed dress code for women lawyers . I was preparing for an oral argument before the Tennessee Court of Criminal Appeals and came across some suggestions for dress before the court.. I have a habit of skimming a book by Bryan Garner and Justice Antonin…