Ceelo Green suffered an extreme public relations backlash when he tweeted his understanding of what is rape. After his plea to a charge of giving a women ecstasy , he aired his case on Twitter . Here is a couple of his  tweets;

In posts that were later deleted from his account, Green addressed the case, tweeting, “People


Can you consent to a police search of your car or home under Tennessee law.The answer is yes.

Consent is a well recognized exception to the search warrant requirements of both Article I section 7 of the Tennessee Constitution and the Fourth Amendment of the United States Constitution. The key is a valid consent


One of the most frequently asked questions that I get in representing those accused of drunk driving is "Can I get a restricted drivers license." If you have been convicted of a first offense DUI/DWI or an implied consent violation , you can get a restricted driver’s license. The video shows how to get your restricted