It is Cyber Monday. All through the house goes the click of a mouse buying presents to be placed under the tree. While Santa is shopping the evil Grinch is trolling for your credit card information. I just read a news release by Cybersecurity expert Tony Perez. Here are some of the takeaways.
1.What are some of the most important things to protect you from Identity theft ?
- Don’t answer texts or emails from unknown sources.
- Don’t answer emails from the IRS because they don’t send emails.
- Don’t answer emails from Nigeria or other strange countries.
- Remove your personal information from your computer.
- Create passwords with numbers, characters and do not use your account name.
2. is it okay to have a website store your credit card information ?
It depends if they have a green URL certificate .
3.Should you have your social security number on medical documents ?
- You should try to avoid doing so if possible. If they require it, ask about how they protect your information.
Tennessee’s identity theft laws are lengthy. Here is a link to Tennessee’s law on identity theft.
The bottom line is to protect your online identity just like you would your wallet or your purse.