This is my second post this week on " Hiring a Criminal Defense Lawyer." Today’s post is inspired by Lee Rosen a North Carolina divorce attorney who writes a blog called "Divorce Discourse." In his latest post , he writes about 9 reasons to keep your office plants alive. It was a great post. It made me think what a dead plant reaaly shows and it is also important in hiring a lawyer. So , there are four reasons to look at dead plants when hiring a lawyer and what the dead plant might say.

  1. Dead plants make you seem incompetent . If you can’t keep a plant alive , can you save someone from jail or a criminal conviction.
  2. Dead plants say you don’t pay attention to details. Details make a difference in a criminal case. Can the state prove all the facts. Attention in the details.
  3. Dead plants say neglect.No water or no light mean dead plants. A criminal file needs to be tended as well and looked at more than the court date.
  4. Dead plants say you don’t care. A dead plant says I don’t care enough to put you out of your misery. You must care what happens to those you represent.

Thanks to Lee Rosen for the advice. Some of my readers are criminal defense lawyers. I would highly recommend checking out his blog for advice and tips you can use in your criminal practice.

By the way , I checked out my two plants. Alive and well. You can check out the picture on Twitter. Follow me on Twitter @RobMcKinney .