College students alcohol consumption has taken a new low. Several members of the Pi Kappa Alpha were cited for underage consumption of alcohol at UT Knoxville. It seems several members of the fraternity engaged in butt-chugging . Butt-chugging is where a tube is inserted into the anus and then alcohol is funneled rectally. Knoxville police report that the fraternity had been giving wine enemas. One member was hospitalized for alcohol poisoning. What happened to a old fashioned keg party ? It seems butt-chugging gets you drunk quicker and does not leave a odor of alcohol on your breath.
Underage alcohol consumption is a crime in Tennessee . With Nashville being a college town with Vanderbilt and several other colleges , underage alcohol consumption is enforced. Underage alcohol consumption is a misdemeanor and carries punishment up to 11 months and 29 days in jail as well as a fine of up to $2500.00. In most Nashville underage alcohol consumption charges , a person is given a criminal citation and ordered to appear at a future court date. If you have any questions about defending a Nashville underage alcohol consumption case give us a call.