I just signed up for a new DUI seminar that is being presented by Virginia DUI lawyer Michael Tillotson. Here’s a list of the topics :
- Introduction to the Intoxilyzer EC / IR II Machine
- Medical Conditions, DUI and Breath Testing
- Top Ten Defenses Against EC / IR Breath Testing
- How to Read Downloadable Data from the EC / IR II
- Issues of Reliability and Accuracy Using the EC / IR II
- Source Code and Radio Frequency Issues on the EC / IR II
By the way, Tennessee uses the EC / IR II in all breath alcohol DUI cases in Tennessee .
One question to ask if your are looking for a Nashville DUI lawyer is what does EC / IR mean. Drop me a comment and I will happy to let you know. Also, another question to ask a prospective DUI attorney is what training you have had in Tennessee’s breath alcohol machine.