After the police turn on the blue lights to stop you, one clue they look for is your response to emergency equipment. A DUI investigation is usually broken down into three parts based on the National Highway Traffic  Safety Administration manual on DUI or DWI detection. One of those steps is the vehicle in motion phase. In a prior post , I discussed the traffic stop.The stopping sequence is the next portion of driving that the police are observing.According to the NHSTA manual , an impaired driver may exhibit additional clues as to impairment after an order to stop is given.These clues or cues may include the following:

  • An attempt to flee ;
  • No response ;
  • An attempt to evade arrest;
  • Slow response ;
  • Sudden stop ;
  • Striking the curb o another object ;

The blue lights , siren , or emergency equipment creates conditions for a driver to divert his or her  attention to the roadway.An impaired driver may not be able to handle multiple tasks and additional evidence of impairment may appear.

Please watch the video and if you have any questions please feel free to contact me.