Music lovers from across the nation will be coming to Manchester , Tennessee for the Bonnaroo Music Festival which kicks off this Thursday.Lynn Edwards of Nashville’s Metro Mix wrote an excellent Bonnaroo Survival Guide which includes tips on Bonnaroo. However , Bonnaroo also brings out law enforcement from the Tennessee Highway Patrol to local police.Here’s my Bonnaroo criminal survival guide:
- Obey all speed limits and traffic laws;
- Keep handy all driver’s license information as well as insurance and registration papers;
- Take off any suspect bumper stickers and decals :
- Don’t drink and drive;
- Don’t consent to any searches of your person or your vehicle;
- Don’t make any statements to law enforcement officers;
- If stopped by the police be nice , respectful , and courteous , you can’t win by arguing with the police on the street;
Be safe and have a safe trip to Tennessee.